Service on University councils and committees is the primary means of direct participation in University governance by faculty.  There are five classes of University councils and committees:  Senate Operations Committees, Senate Policy Councils, Senate Committees, Joint Committees and Presidential Committees.  Councils and Committees are the vehicles for providing, directly or through the Faculty Senate, faculty determinations, recommendations, or consultations as appropriate.  Committees that are denominated as "joint" report to both the Senate and President.

Presidential committees aid the president in the performance of his or her duties as chief executive of the University.  Presidential Committees are created by, report to and have membership appointed by the President or his designee.


Name Faculty membership consists of: Seat filled by: Reports to:
Faculty Senate Committees UF Faculty Nominated by UF Faculty & elected by UF Faculty Senators UF Faculty Senate
Joint Committees UF Faculty Nominated by UF Faculty; Typically 50% elected by UF Faculty Senators and 50% Appointed by UF President/President's Designee UF President (or his designated responsible VP) & UF Faculty Senate
Presidential Committees UF Faculty Nominated by UF Faculty & appointed by UF President/President's Designee UF President (or his designated responsible VP)
(5) Senate Policy Councils *Current (at the time of the election) Faculty Senators Nominated by UF Faculty & elected by UF Faculty Senators UF Faculty Senate